Manufacturers face increasingly volatile conditions affecting demand, rising consumer expectations and labor shortages. Especially for dirty, dangerous and demanding jobs which can be harmful to human workers.
IR4.0 technologies, innovations and solutions can help businesses navigate these challenges by streamlining factory workflows. Artificial intelligence and robots applied properly, can help to improve quality and efficiency in manufacturing, and provide additional benefits along the production value chain through collaboration with humans to reduce error and improve process efficiency.
The application of robots in repetitive tasks such as material handling, assembling, and machine tending have been proven to allow businesses to optimise the productivity of their workforce. Repetitive tasks are best suited for machines as robots have minimal to zero downtimes, high accuracy, and speed – enabling manufacturers to produce larger volumes of products in a shorter duration.
The enhanced optimisation, time efficiency and productivity offered by robots can nurture the overall growth in various areas from parts and components exports as well as domestic sales and production. This can be further supplemented by adopting digital marketing channels supported by Artificial Intelligence. Suppliers can better connect with relevant buyers on digital marketplaces and channel their products to these platforms to increase their sales.
We are pleased to inform members that the Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA), Malaysian Autonomous Intelligence and Robotics Association (MyAIRA) and Heriot-Watt University Malaysia are jointly organising a Seminar with the support of Malaysia – Japan Economic Association (MAJECA) on the following:
Date 9 November 2022 (Wednesday)
Time 2.00 – 4.30 pm
Theme Enhance Your Value Chain with Robotics & AI:
Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry
Venue Offline / In-person @
Lecture Room 1, East Wing, Ground Floor,
Heriot-Watt University Malaysia
No. 1, Jalan Venna P5/2,
Precinct 5,
62200 Putrajaya
(Dress Code: Smart Casual)
(via Google Forms)
This seminar is aimed at informing participants on the applications of Robotics & AI technology and how manufacturers can leverage these technologies and solutions to increase productivity and increase business-to-business (B2B) sales.
The programme of the seminar is as follows:
Time Programme
2.00 pm Registration
2.30 pm Opening Remarks by Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA & MAJECA
2.35 pm Opening Remarks by Mr Yong Chong Soon, President, MyAIRA
2.40 pm Opening Remarks by Prof. Dr. Ian Tan, Head, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University Malaysia
2.45 pm “AI and Robotics to Increase Productivity in Manufacturing” by Mr William Du, Advisory Team, AI Centric Solutions Sdn Bhd & Managing Director, Regaltech Malaysia Sdn Bhd
3.00 pm “B2B Digital Marketing to Increase Sales for Manufacturers” by Ms Caroline Ang, Growth Catalyst
3.15 pm Q & A
3.30 pm Networking Tea & Refreshments
4.00 pm Adjourn