Cities around the world are reimagining the future, using the pandemic as an opportunity to come up with urban solutions that will make live better and more prepared for crisis. They are aspiring to create greener spaces in their urban areas, improve connectivity, reduce congestion, focus on sustainability, be more adaptive and smarter with technology and materials.

As people have been forced inside, out of schools and workplaces as well as away from one another, new challenges have been presented. Life may not return to the way it once was. Cities will need to adapt to a new reality and there are no universal solutions.

The hosting of the fourth edition of Cities 4.0 will once again provide the governments, municipalities, urban planners, developers, urban futurists, solution providers and innovators an interactive platform converge and discuss on methods and best practices to re-imagine our fundamental relationship with the cities, the opportunities to work outside their normal methods.

The Malaysian Autonomous Intelligence & Robotics Association (MyAIRA) is pleased to announce that we are an endorsing organization for this event.


Key themes of Cities 4.0:

• Rethinking Urban Development In A Post Pandemic World
• High Density Development With Low Density Activities – The Way Forward
• Edge-Computing-Enabled Smart Cities: Reshape The City Experience
• From Smart Cities To Connected Communities
• Harnessing Technologies To Transform Disaster Readiness
• Development Of Greener And Cleaner Cities
• New Traffic Patterns And Healthy Mobility
• Decoding The Low-Touch Economy
• Strategies In Developing Secondary Cities Into Smart City